Our People
“Even in the toughest of times,
there is always something to be
grateful for."
“Even in the toughest of times,
there is always something to be
grateful for. ”
"Ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi, he toa takitini kē"

“We learn from our mistakes"
"Growth is growth no matter how small."
“Te manu kai i te miro no na te ngahere, Te manu kai te matauranga nona te ao”
"You will never get anywhere you’re meant to,
by travelling on yesterdays road.
It’s a new day, find a new way."

“As we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.”
“Follow the three R’s:
Respect for self
Respect for others and Responsibility for all your actions.”
- Dalai Lama

Whaea Ruihana
Apple Teacher
“ATTITUDE: Confidence is the result of courage in ACTION! ”
“Smile because it will always make someone’s day”
Is it Friday yet?
Is it the holidays yet?
“She’s right there!”
He’s awesome... When he’s asleep!
“You're parents must have been a terrorist b'cus you're the bomb!”
Education Entrepreneur
Room 2
“Kia kaha!”
Whaea Michelle
Esther Beattie
Honesty, trust, loyalty, respect and love

E-Sports Co-ordinator
Whaea Te Wairere
Learning Support Coordinator
"Everyone achieving their potential and giving it their best"
Deputy Principal
Chris Ormsby
Whaea Kararaina
Brenda Green
Whaea Mel